Alex Kaulfuss
After earning a B.A. in English Education from North Carolina State University, Dr. Alex Kaulfuss began teaching 9th- and 12th-grade English and Forensic Debate. Over the next decade, as a classroom teacher, Kaulfuss continued to further his own education and professional growth, earning an M.S. in English Education; acquiring additional certifications in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Information Technology; becoming a National Board Certified Teacher; receiving the Jenrette Teaching Excellence Award; and earning a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. Kaulfuss became an Education Consultant for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and then an Instructional Technologist with North Carolina State University’s Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, working with teachers to find ways to incorporate technology in the classroom. Kaulfuss returned to public education as part of the founding faculty of a full-scale, blended-learning high school, teaching first Mathematics, then Python and Java, before returning to English at the Wake Early College of Information and Biotechnologies. Kaulfuss’s education and research interests include implementing technology in the classroom, utilizing visual texts to augment the overall reading experience, and fostering collaboration and metacognition in young adult learners.
Author's Books
Power Tools
30 Critical Disciplinary Literacy Strategies for 6-12 Classrooms
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