Katherine Baker
Dr. Katherine Baker is an associate professor of education at Elon University. She received her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction with a mathematics education focus from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She supports prospective teachers in their fieldwork in Pre-K–5 schools and teaches courses including Mathematics Methods, Education and Society, and Number & Algebra for K–8 Teachers. She has previously worked as a 4th and 5th grade classroom teacher and a K–5 Math Lead Teacher. Baker is a member of several professional mathematics organizations and an active board member of, and contributor to, state professional organizations. She collaborates with educators to explore and uplift students’ mathematical thinking in indoor and outdoor learning spaces, and then uses that thinking in instructional decision-making that promotes equitable and accessible mathematics.
Author's Books
Power Tools
30 Critical Disciplinary Literacy Strategies for 6-12 Classrooms
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