Trish Harvey
Trish Harvey is an associate professor in Hamline University’s School of Education with an emphasis in Advanced Learning Technologies at Hamline University. Trish’s background includes over 21 years of K-16 experience, including teaching social studies, facilitating graduate students in their pursuit of advanced degrees and serving as a district digital learning administrator. Her technology-related experiences include a 1-1 iPad implementation roll-out; the development of online and hybrid courses; district-wide professional development around technology goals; and a Bring-Your-Own-Device district initiative. Focus areas of scholarship and research include the use of digital tools for learning and assessment; fostering quality online learning experiences and relationships between students and instructors; and educational transformation via policy and technology. In her higher education experience, she has advised over 300 capstone students and dissertation students to completion. Additionally, Dr. Harvey serves as the Program Director for the EdD and MAEd programs where she teaches all research courses.
Author's Books
Transformative Potential-Based Research
A Guide to Successfully Finding One's Place In Research
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