Stephen J. Pape


Stephen Pape is professor of Education at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) where he was the founding Director of the Doctor of Education program (2013-2019). He earned his doctorate in Educational Psychology from the City University of New York. Previously, he taught middle school mathematics and science in New York City public schools and served as assistant and associate Professor of Mathematics Education at The Ohio State University and University of Florida. His research focuses on online learning environments, technology-enhanced classroom contexts that foster mathematical understanding, and the development of strategic behaviors. To support this research, he has provided professional development for mathematics and science teachers across elementary, secondary, and Community College levels for over 20 years. Funded projects include a national randomized control trial that examined the impact of classroom connectivity technology on Algebra I achievement and classroom interactions and Prime Online, an online professional development program for grades 3-5 general and special educators. He was the co-principal investigator for Florida Promise, a statewide professional development program for preK-12 science and mathematics teachers. He recently served on the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators taskforce, Re-thinking Teaching and Learning: Unpacking Mathematics Education Online and has published over 60 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, and conference proceedings papers.

Author's Books

The Coming of Age of the Education Doctorate Series

Transforming Identities

How an EdD Program Develops Practitioners into Scholar-Practitioners


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