Nancy Acevedo
Dr. Nancy Acevedo is Professor of Educational Leadership Doctoral Studies and Inaugural Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Fellow at California State University, San Bernardino. As an interdisciplinary scholar, Dr. Acevedo engages with critical race theory and Chicana feminist theories to examine pathways to and through college for Students of Color, with a focus on college readiness, retention in STEM, and transfer preparation. Formerly, Dr. Acevedo was Director of Faculty Development for the Watson College of Education and Co-Director of Development for Women of Color in Academia at California State University, San Bernardino. She co-led the development of the community college specialization in the EdD program and supports community colleges with staff and faculty development efforts, particularly related to issues of equity, inclusion, and STEM. Alongside Dr. Gilberto Conchas, she co-authored The Chicana/o/x Dream, which received a book award from the American Association for Hispanics in Higher Education. A first-generation student, Dr. Acevedo began her journey working in the agricultural fields of Yolo County, California. With support from various TRiO Program resources, she earned her BA in Chicano Studies, Social Welfare, and Legal Studies from the University of California, Berkeley, an MA in Mexican American Studies from San Jose State University, and her PhD in Education at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Author's Books
We Are The Children Of The Corn/Somos Los Hija/os del Maíz
Husks of Hope, Resistance, and Latina/o Educational Success
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