Linda McKee
Linda McKee serves as the Chief Operations Officer and is a founding team member for the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP). Linda’s relevant work experience includes strategic planning and administration to promote continuous improvement and performance measures, documentation of the outcomes in a variety of contexts, and research into optimal use of evidence for program improvement. Prior to AAQEP, McKee was the senior director for the Quality Support Center at AACTE. She has served as director for member and state relations with a national accreditor for education programs and spent over 10 years as director of the Tulane University’s Teacher Preparation and Certification Program. McKee has served education as a classroom teacher, district and state administrator, educator preparation administrator, leader for national organizations and a national consultant. Her teaching experience includes teacher preparation, leadership preparation for educators, continuous improvement for PK-16, secondary language arts, and gifted education.
Author's Books
Using Data for Continuous Improvement in Educator Preparation
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