Laurie Bobley
Laurie Bobley, Ed.D., is the Chair of Alternative Programs and University Partnerships in the Graduate School of Education at Touro University New York. She has over 14 years of experience in higher education and has taught courses in science education, educational technology, and special education. Dr. Bobley completed her doctoral studies at Drexel University, where she examined mandatory professional development for higher education faculty. She is passionate about ensuring that all educators have the skills, competencies, and knowledge they need to impact student learning. Her research interests include teacher education, distance education, faculty development, and leadership. She serves on committees for several professional organizations and is a highly active volunteer in her own institution. Previously at Touro, she served as the Director of GSE Online Education and has taught Science and Technology methods courses in the Graduate School of Education. Prior to transitioning into higher education, Dr. Bobley was a middle and high school science teacher.
Author's Books
Sticky Cases in Higher Education Leadership
Addressing Innovation, Challenges, and Conflict
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