Timothy D. Pippert
Timothy D. Pippert, Ph.D. currently serves as the Joel Torstenson Endowed Professor of Sociology and the Executive Director of Augsburg Family Scholars. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Nebraska and joined the faculty at Augsburg in 1999. He teaches a variety of courses from Introduction to Sociology to the Senior Seminar and Keystone and has published research on fictive kin relationships among men without homes, the accuracy of college and university photographic representations of diversity in recruitment materials, and the impact of the Bakken oil boom on the residents of northwestern North Dakota. In 2022, he worked with students in the Sociology Senior Seminar and Keystone to envision, design, and fundraise for Augsburg Family Scholars. The program, designed to support students with backgrounds in the foster care system, was launched in September 2022.
Author's Books
Radical Roots
How One Professor Changed a University's Legacy
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