Jophus Anamuah-Mensah
Jophus Anamuah-Mensah is a science education expert, tertiary education consultant with over 45 years in academia as university researcher, teacher, administrator, policy analyst and national and international consultant. Professor Anamuah-Mensah’s university leadership positions have included six years as Head of Department of Science Education, three years as Dean of Faculty of Education, two years as Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast, and nine years as Principal and foundation Vice Chancellor of the University of Education, Winneba. Contributions to national development included chairing and producing the blueprint for the 2002 President’s Committee on Review of Educational System in Ghana. Professor Anamuah-Mensah research has centred on crafting the concept of community knowledge system to improve STEM education that has now been introduced into the school science curricula to gradually create awareness of the value of our endogenous activities.
Author's Books
Africanizing the School Curriculum
Promoting an Inclusive, Decolonial Education in African Contexts
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