
What Every Educator Wants to Know About Engaging Families for Equity and Student Achievement - A Workbook

June 2025
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June 2025
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  • Publisher
    Myers Education Press
  • ISBN 9781975508449
  • Language English
  • Pages 130 pp.
  • Size 7" x 10"

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June 2025
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For any educator, administrator, or school leader who is committed to promoting student success, Unreached: What Every Educator Wants to Know About Engaging Families for Equity and Student Achievement is an indispensable resource. The premise of the book is grounded in the research that confirms that student achievement is closely tied to effective family partnerships, yet for many educators, identifying how to engage families as partners can feel overwhelming and nebulous. As a result, there is often a disconnect between schools and families that leads to families feeling excluded from the type of meaningful partnership efforts that can support student achievement. Unreached tackles this challenge by offering a clear roadmap for overcoming these barriers and cultivating trust between families and schools. One of the standout features of this volume is its focus on relevant, real-world applications designed to help districts and schools implement a sustainable approach that can support clear and meaningful gains for students.

Trice Moore presents a series of practices, tips and a process for addressing the barriers that often prevent families from participating in their student’s education as partners. Drawing on research and practical scenarios, the book highlights the importance of viewing partnerships with families as a tool for advancing educational equity and offers insights on ways effective partnerships can play a pivotal role in promoting success for all students. At the heart of the book is a compelling overview of some of the systemic inequities and barriers that often exist in schools and how educators and school leaders can play a role in either perpetuating or dismantling those systems.

Written by a leading voice in the field of family outreach and engagement, the book delves into the power of meaningful connections and offers four specific partnership recommendations and five authentic leadership practices to transform how schools’ partner with families to support student success. Unreached is not just a theoretical guide; it is a practical, hands-on resource filled with actionable strategies for educators, school teams and education leaders. Readers will learn how to earn trust with families, share responsibility and balance expectations respectfully across and beyond cultural differences within an environment where all parties feel valued and heard.

The book also includes tools for developing family engagement plans, assessing your partnership approach and a recommendation summary for school teams. This workbook provides a thoughtful examination of the challenges linked to family engagement and a variety of tools for overcoming those challenges. It is an essential guide for educators seeking to bridge the gap between families and schools in ways that can help create an inclusive, equitable, and high-achieving environment for students. With a blend of practical scenarios, tools, tips and actionable insights, Unreached is a must-read for anyone interested in making gains in student achievement through culturally responsive family and community partnerships.

Perfect for courses such as: Introduction, Intermediate, and Advanced courses in Family and Community Engagement, Leadership



About the Author


Section 1: Earn Trust Early
a. Response card 1
b. Response card 2
c. Response card 3
d. Response card 4
e. Response card 5
f. Summary

Section 2: Share Responsibility Intentionally
a. Response card 1
b. Response card 2
c. Response card 3
d. Response card 4
e. Response card 5
f. Summary

Section 3: Balance Expectations Transparently
a. Response card 1
b. Response card 2
c. Response card 3
d. Response card 4
e. Response card 5
f. Summary

Section 4: Measure Efforts Meaningfully
a. Response card 1
b. Response card 2
c. Response card 3
d. Response card 4
e. Response card 5
f. Summary

Section 5: The Five Authentic Partnership Practices
a. Determine Student Outcomes
b. Recognize Cultural Assets and Norms
c. Facilitate Collaborative Meetings
d. Communicate Effectively
e. Celebrate Together
f. The Authentic Partnership Self-Assessment

Section 6: Your Plan
a. Lessons Learned
b. The Collective Brainstorm
c. The Next Steps

Appendix: What You Want to Know but May Be Afraid to Ask


NOTE: Table of Contents subject to change up until publication date.

Trise Moore

Trise Moore, EdD, is nationally recognized for effectively implementing outcome-based family and community partnership practices for over twenty years. She is the recipient of Education Week’s 2017 national award for outstanding leadership, in the area of family outreach and engagement and is the author of Unreached: What Every Educator Wants to Know About Engaging Families for Equity & Student Achievement. During the 16 years she served as a district-level family engagement director, she was identified as one of six nationally emerging leaders in the field of family engagement by Harvard’s Family Research Project. She earned her doctoral degree from City University of Seattle in Organizational Leadership and a master’s degree in project management. She is the founder and CEO of The Family Outreach & Engagement Network LLC, where she is known for collaborating with a variety of like-minded leaders, consultants and organizations, including the Institute for Educational Leadership to support culturally responsive practices and partnerships that promote student achievement.

student achievement; family engagement; parent involvement; family partnership; culturally responsive