Getting to Where We Meant to Be Edition 2
Working Toward the Educational World We Imagine/d
- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
2nd April 2024 - ISBN 9781975506568
- Language English
- Pages 250 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
24th April 2024 - ISBN 9781975506575
- Language English
- Pages 250 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
24th April 2024 - ISBN 9781975506582
- Language English
- Pages 250 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Request E-Exam Copy
At a moment when brawls are breaking out at school board meetings and state officials are increasingly issuing curricular mandates, it’s possible that this text’s central question is more important than ever: How is it that given good intentions and hard work among education professionals, things in schools can go so very wrong?
As in the first edition, Hinchey and Konkol suggest that unspoken and misleading assumptions can produce choices, decisions and policies with disastrous consequences for kids. They tease out such assumptions on the key issues of school goals, curriculum, education for citizenship, discipline and school reform, inviting readers to question the taken-for-granted in order to better align intentions and outcomes. Such contemporary issues as book banning and parents’ movements are presented not as isolated controversies, but instead in their historical, cultural and political contexts.
Designed for both undergraduate and graduate classrooms, the text applies to a wide range of studies related to public education, including its theory, policy, history and politics. Without proselytizing, the text asks readers to think for themselves and articulate their own commitments guided by end-of-chapter questions, some intended for all readers and some specifically for experienced professionals. Suggested additional readings, websites and videos invite further exploration of the topics under discussion and offer still more food for thought.
Perfect for courses such as: Social Foundations of Education, Foundations of Education, Introduction to Education/Intro to Urban Education, Education Policy Foundations, Contemporary Issues in US Schools, Education Theory and Policy, Issues in Curriculum Education Studies, Social Issues and Education, and Education and Society
“If you’d like to see public education thrive, here is a book to bolster your arguments. Down to earth writing and excellent choice of content allow vitally important concepts about schooling in contemporary America to be analyzed and easily comprehended. It is one of the clearest discussions I’ve read about curriculum and other key policy issues, including their meaning and their importance for our administrators, teachers, schools, parents—and yes, for our nation as well. Every decision about these issues is a decision that will shape the knowledge base, skills and dispositions of tomorrow’s citizens. This insightful and highly readable book explains why such decisions should never be made lightly.”
David C. Berliner, Regents’ Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University
“Education is plagued with good intentions gone awry, particularly when the follow-through is framed by commonsensical assumptions that lack a sound research basis. Hinchey and Konkol paint a compelling and nuanced picture of exactly how this is happening in many core areas of schooling, and then offer concrete tools for reframing and reimagining. In this moment when too many so-called reforms are taking advantage of seductive rhetoric, educators and policy makers alike who are fortunate enough to pick up this book will find themselves at once enraptured, unsettled, and more hopeful.”
Kevin Kumashiro, Author of "Bad Teacher!: How Blaming Teachers Distorts the Bigger Picture"
“In this provocative and compelling book, Pat Hinchey and Pamela Konkol challenge us to rethink assumptions about teaching, learning, and curriculum. Their powerful text details assumptions currently dominating neoliberal education reform as well as alternative perspectives, illuminating complexities in critical issues that often go unexamined. Those who care about public education and the imperative of its deep potential need to read, contemplate, and take purposeful action prompted in Getting to Where We Meant to Be.”
Brian D. Schultz, Professor and Chair of Teacher Education at Miami University, Author of "Teaching in the Cracks: Openings and Opportunities for Student-Centered, Action-Focused Curriculum"
A Message from the Publisher
1. “You Have Arrived at Your Destination.” Oh, really?
The Many Ways We Lose Our Way
The Many Ways We Lose Our Way in Schools
Where Do You Want to Go . . . and How Will You Get There?
Things to Think About
Things to Explore
2. What are Schools for, Anyway?
Assumptions about the Goals of Public Schools
Frameworks for Goal Setting
Choices for Educators
Things to Think About
Things to Explore
3. What Does It Mean to Educate for Citizenship?
Assumptions about Educating for Citizenship
Frameworks for Citizenship Education
Choices for Educators
Things to Think About
Things to Explore
4. What Is Curriculum? And Who Decides What’s in It?
Assumptions around Curriculum
Frameworks for Curriculum
Choices for Educators
Things to Think About
Things to Explore
5. How Much Control Does a (Student) Body Need?
Assumptions about Control in Schools
Frameworks for Disciplinary Policies
Choices for Educators
Things to Think About
Things to Explore
6. Reform? By Whom, and For What?
Assumptions about Reform
Frameworks for Reform
Choices for Educators
Things to Think About
Things to Explore
7. The Way Forward
Patricia H. Hinchey
Patricia H. Hinchey is Penn State Professor Emerita of Education and a Fellow of the National Education Policy Center. She holds a doctorate from Teachers College, Columbia University, where she taught several graduate courses in secondary English education. In addition to teaching a wide variety of both undergraduate and graduate education courses at Penn State, she has conducted professional development for K-12 and university faculty nationally and internationally. She also served as director of a professional development unit serving university faculty at multiple campus locations. In addition to teacher education, professional development, and action research, her interests include the intersection of theory and classroom practice, a focus of this most recent work from Myers Education Press. She is as well the author or co-author of several well-known books and numerous articles.
Pamela J. Konkol
Pamela J. Konkol, PhD is the Executive Director of the American Educational Studies Association and a professor of foundations, social policy, and research at Concordia University. She holds a PhD in Policy Studies in Urban Education and an MEd in Curriculum Studies from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a BS in Communication/Cultural Studies and Women’s Studies from Northwestern University. When not fighting the good fight for children, families, and communities, she’s active in English Bull Terrier rescue efforts.