W. Edwards Deming, the System of Profound Knowledge, and the Science of Improving Schools
- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
24th April 2023 - ISBN 9781975505813
- Language English
- Pages 225 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Request Exam Copy
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
19th April 2023 - ISBN 9781975505820
- Language English
- Pages 225 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
19th April 2023 - ISBN 9781975505837
- Language English
- Pages 225 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Request E-Exam Copy
2024 SPE Outstanding Book Award Winner
Win-Win: W. Edwards Deming, the System of Profound Knowledge, and the Science of Improving Schools is for systems leaders who lead our country’s school districts, charter management organizations, and educational nonprofits and government agencies, as well as for those who train these system leaders in our graduate schools of education. The strategies for school improvement detailed in this book are based on the theories of W. Edwards Deming, who was known as the father of the quality movement and was hugely influential in post-WWII Japan. He is most well-known for his theories of management.
Win-Win offers real-world strategies to education leaders of improvement, based on Demings’ System of Profound Knowledge. A leader of improvement does not need to be expert in the four components of profound knowledge, but they do need to understand the basic theory, their interconnectedness, and why they are necessary for these efforts. Win-Win provides this basic understanding. This book equips the reader with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the power of the System of Profound Knowledge to improve the performance of schools systems, students, and teachers. It can be used in a variety of classrooms in Colleges of Education, and it is the perfect teaching tool in professional development efforts.
Perfect for courses such as: Organizational Change; Strategies of Educational Leadership; School/District Improvement Using Data Analysis; Supervision Theory and Practice; Theory, Research, & Leadership; Transformational Systems Leadership; Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Leadership; The Philosophy of Scientific Knowledge; Systemic Educational Reform; Applied Improvement Science Investigations
“This book is only for courageous educators who are not afraid of having their long-held beliefs challenged. It’s a work for those willing and able to work hard to try atypical strategies for real improvement.”
School Administrator (Sept. 2024), review excerpt by Art Stellar, AASA emeritus member
Foreword by David Langford
Note from United Schools Network by Andrew Boy
Introduction: Deming & Profound Knowledge
Chapter 1: System of Profound Knowledge
Chapter 2: Transformation from Mythology to the New Philosophy
Chapter 3: Principles for Transformation
Chapter 4: System Basics
Chapter 5: Using Systems Thinking
Chapter 6: Understanding Variation
Chapter 7: Using Knowledge about Variation
Chapter 8: Building Knowledge in Context
Chapter 9: Psychology’s Role in Improvement
Chapter 10: A Win-Win for You
Appendix A: Improvement Process
Appendix B: Creating a Process Behavior Chart
About the Author
John A. Dues
John A. Dues (Master of Education, University of Cincinnati) is the Chief Learning Officer of the United Schools Network (USN) where he directs the network’s Continual Improvement Fellowship and serves as an improvement advisor. In this role, he provides education, coaching, and mentoring on continual improvement methods, data collection and analysis methods, and project management and change management techniques with the purpose of enabling teams across the organization to become experts at guiding their own improvement.
United Schools Network
The United Schools Network is a non-profit charter management organization in Columbus, Ohio. It serves as the district office for four public charter schools in the city.