Writing Beyond Recognition
Queer Re-Storying for Social Change
- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
29th October 2020 - ISBN 9781975504199
- Language English
- Pages 125 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Request Exam Copy
- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
11th November 2020 - ISBN 9781975504182
- Language English
- Pages 125 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Request Exam Copy
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
30th October 2020 - ISBN 9781975504205
- Language English
- Pages 125 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
30th October 2020 - ISBN 9781975504212
- Language English
- Pages 125 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Request E-Exam Copy
Writing Beyond Recognition: Queer Re-Storying for Social Change documents and analyzes the insidious ways heteronormativity produces homophobia and heterosexism, including how this operates and is experienced by those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and queer.
Using critical arts research practices read through queer and feminist theories and perspectives, the chapters in the book describe how participants who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered gained critical insights by learning to write and read about their experiences in new ways. Their revised queer stories function to enable a movement beyond merely recognizing to appreciating and understanding those differences. Robson offers a powerful argument about how everyone is narrated by and through discourses of gender and sexuality. Therefore, the content of the book is directed at all readers, not only those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered or queer. The book will be important as a text in any course or area of study that is focused on inclusive education, cultural studies in education, critical arts research methods, gender and sexuality studies, and critical literacy approaches in education.
Perfect for courses such as: Qualitative Research Methods | Social Justice | Ethnography | Critical Qualitative Inquiry | Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies | Participatory Action Research | Arts-Based Research | Writing | Autobiography | Curriculum Studies | Teacher Education | Cultural Studies | Reading and Literacy Education | Community Education | Adult Education
“During a week when I had more than enough to do, I kept returning to Claire Robson’s lively and engaging book Writing Beyond Recognition. Her theory of writing practice and wise pedagogy for transforming traumatic memory into story shows the importance of the creative arts for survival and resilience.”
Ann Cvetkovich, Carleton University, author of "An Archive of Feelings and Depression: A Public Feeling"
"Despite its innocuous title, this text is a treasure trove of ideas related to working not only with LGBTQ students, but with any students who may feel marginalized both inside and outside the classroom. The book is the first in what will be a series entitled Queer Singularities: LGBTQ Histories, Cultures, and Identities in Education from Myers Education Press. Each chapter has an extensive reference list, inviting readers to explore the topic thoroughly, and in-text citations introduce a broad span of contemporary theorists. Chapter 6, 'Writing about Painful Topics,' offers practitioners suggestions to 'encourage difficult feelings because this is where passion and feelings reside.' 'Pedagogical Considerations,' a valuable list, provides a template for encouraging teachers to 'deal with emotional issues, [questions] about our increasingly risk-averse ... culture, and our failure to deal adequately with the emotional struggles that many of our students endure in silence.' This book belongs in any graduate course that is focused on inclusive education, critical arts research, gender/sexuality studies, and critical literacy. It is also important for practitioners who wish to include "critical arts research practices read through queer and feminist theories and perspectives. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Graduate students, faculty, and professionals."
List of Tables and Figures
Part I: Remembering
1. Memory
2. Beyond Recognition
3. Fishing for Difference
Part II: Recognizing
4. Resistance and Motivated Forgetting
5. Collectivity
6. Writing About Painful Topics
Part Ill: Revising
7. Truth
8. Revision
9. Feedback
Part IV: Representing
10. Show. Don't Tell
11. Modes of Representation
12. The Ethics of Working Through
About the Author
NOTE: Table of Contents subject to change up until publication date.
Claire Robson
Claire Robson is a writer, researcher, and arts activist. Her awards include Xtra West Writer of the Year, the Joseph Katz Memorial Scholarship (for her contributions to social justice), and the Lynch History Prize (for her contributions to better understanding of gender and sexual minorities). Claire is an adjunct faculty member at Simon Fraser University, in the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies.