Women and Gender in Higher Education
Looking Forward, Looking Back
- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
7th January 2021 - ISBN 9781975502966
- Language English
- Pages 200 pp.
- Size 7" x 10"
- Request Exam Copy
- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
20th January 2021 - ISBN 9781975502959
- Language English
- Pages 200 pp.
- Size 7" x 10"
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
14th January 2021 - ISBN 9781975502973
- Language English
- Pages 200 pp.
- Size 7" x 10"
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
14th January 2021 - ISBN 9781975502980
- Language English
- Pages 200 pp.
- Size 7" x 10"
- Request E-Exam Copy
Since the founding of the nation, higher education has helped female faculty and students assert themselves in establishing equality between men and women across the country (Morris, 1984). During the nineteenth century, women had limited access to many sectors of American society because of their inferior status to men. Such differences were visible in both political and academic arenas. This discrimination reflected general societal norms of the time, relegating women to the roles of mothers and homemakers. Women and Gender in Higher Education provides a comprehensive review of the varying concepts that address the development of women in higher education, including how women understand the world around them—making meaning for themselves and their environment—and acknowledging the intersectionality of their identity. It also breaks new ground in the conversation about the roles of women and gender in higher education.
Perfect for courses such as: Theoretical Frameworks of Discrimination | Marginality in Relation to Gender | History of Women and Gender | Concepts of Gendered Behavior | Colonial Model v. Contemporary Discrimination | Absence of Identity in Privilege Model | Power and Privilege Model Redefined | Foundational Framework for Oppression Theory
"Dr. Ann Wendle provides us with a thorough and succinct text discussing and analyzing a deeper understanding of women and gender in higher education. Notably, this book engages the reader with applied elements designed to stimulate awareness, encourage dialogue, and effect positive social change. As a gay cis man who has worked in higher education for more than 20 years, it’s refreshing to deepen my learning from a text that acknowledges the complexities and barriers facing women today while providing concrete opportunities for those who seek authentic equity and inclusion in higher education."
John L. Garland, PhD, CRC, Director, Research & Student Success, Indigenous Education, Inc.
"Wendle’s book is a valuable resource, outlining the fraught and difficult history of women in higher education, and encouraging readers to think about how that legacy informs the urgent matters of our present moment. So many of us are working every day on issues of representation, diversity, and equity in colleges, universities, and beyond. For us, these topics are not just theoretical but vitally tied to our lived experience. Women and Gender in Higher Education: Looking Forward, Looking Back provides us with the background, theory, and strategies to enable real progress and change."
Heidi Hanrahan, Ph.D., Professor of English, Shepherd University
"Dr. Wendle shares her expert, observational perspective on the issues women in higher education face. This book extensively covers the academic culture from a historical context through academic milestones, and provides a roadmap for promoting gender equity and success for a better tomorrow. The invaluable research on the topic of women in higher education has contributed to a quintessential resource for surviving the world of academia."
Mary J.C. Hendrix, Ph.D., President, Shepherd University
"Wendle’s deep dive into the historical contexts and frameworks, documents, and stories of women who have reshaped higher education operationalizes theory in a way that provides new context and a blueprint to understand, analyze, and advance the cause of gender equity in the academy. A must read."
David J. Thomas, Ph.D., Director, Office of Services for Students with Disabilities, Assistant Professor, Educational Development, University College, West Chester University
Part I: Women in Higher Education
Chapter One
History of Women in America and Higher Education
Chapter Two
Promotion and Tenure
Chapter Three
Programming and Resources
Part II: Lived Experiences of Women Past and Present
Chapter Four
The Lived Experience
Chapter Five
Implications of Identity
Chapter Six
Socialization of Bias
Chapter Seven
Around the Table
Chapter Eight
Attributes of Assimilation
Part III: Theoretical Approaches
Chapter Nine
Theoretical Approaches
Chapter Ten
Research and Application
Chapter Eleven
Theory Into Practice
Key Terms
About the Author
Ann Wendle
Ann Wendle (Ph.D. in Higher Education, Old Dominion University) is a graduate faculty program coordinator for College Student Development and Administration at Shepherd University. She has more than 15 years of post-secondary administrative experience and more than ten years of post-secondary teaching experience. Her research interests are focused on equity; gender; marginality; identity; interpersonal violence; alcohol and other drugs; cultural competency; crisis response to mental health; first year student transitions and social conflict skills; student residential experiences; and how identity relates to oppression and exclusion in leadership and community in higher education.