Intra-Public Intellectualism
Critical Qualitative Inquiry in the Academy
- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
25th September 2020 - ISBN 9781975502485
- Language English
- Pages 200 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
28th September 2020 - ISBN 9781975502478
- Language English
- Pages 200 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
19th November 2020 - ISBN 9781975502492
- Language English
- Pages 200 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Myers Education Press - Published
19th November 2020 - ISBN 9781975502508
- Language English
- Pages 200 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Request E-Exam Copy
In a decidedly anti-intellectual moment, exemplified by such recent phenomena as denials of science, defunding of universities, and distrust of “facts,” Intra-Public Intellectualism examines the relationships among qualitative inquiry, truth telling and social activism.
With contributions from scholars and activists around the world, the book addresses three key tensions in the field of social inquiry. The first tension concerns the proliferation of digital environments and virtual spaces, exploring how the “public” in public intellectualism might be reconsidered. The second tension concerns the ongoing critiques of truth and subjectivity, exploring how these disruptions change the work of the intellectual. The third tension concerns the growing scientific and philosophical rejection of static material worlds, exploring what becomes of social responsibility and justice when agency extends beyond human subjects.
Intra-Public Intellectualism will be a must read for those interested in the roles of the intellectual in the academy and beyond and those keen on rethinking critical social inquiry for the twenty-first century.
Perfect for courses such as: Introduction to Qualitative Research | Critical Qualitative Inquiry and Critical Theory | Social Context and Education | Foundations of Education | Cultural Studies and Public Pedagogy | Curriculum Theory | Social Justice and Education | Advanced Qualitative Methodology | Interpretivist Inquiry | Posthumanist Inquiry | New Materialist Inquiry | Arts-Based Inquiry
“In this contemporary era of racialized and political reckoning and welcomed civil disobedience globally, the editors and contributors of this book offer unique insights that inspire new and radical ways to engage in intra-public intellectualism. Through contemplative and decolonizing imaginaries, dialogues, and interludes, each chapter disrupts boundaries and expands possibilities for re-envisioning the role of academics and critical qualitative research in theorizing and transforming public social spheres. This edited book is a must read for those seeking a compelling and diverse compilation of perspectives on public intellectualism.”
Michelle Salazar Pérez, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, The University of Texas at Austin
“In a world that too often seems beyond resuscitating, Intra-Public Intellectualism: Critical Qualitative Inquiry in the Academy is an injection of hope for critical qualitative inquirers committed to public causes, no matter how lost. While offering plenty of provocations, interventions, and lines of flight, in sync with the post-philosophies prominent throughout the book, each edited chapter is also a demonstration of how to (still) think and do responsive and responsible public critical qualitative work that matters. It is a positive reminder that the public is still worth fighting for and we critical qualitative researchers have and must soldier on.”
Jennifer R. Wolgemuth, Associate Professor of Measurement and Research, University of South Florida
“This powerful and timely collection of essays answers the call for a critical inquiry that advances a long over-due public social science.”
Norman K. Denzin, Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Communications, Sociology, and the Humanities, University of Illinois
Map to the Interludes
Intellectual Publics I Public Intellectuals
M. Francyne Huckaby and Jonathan W. Crocker
An Ecology of Truth(s) Telling Amid the Post-Truth Turn
Joseph D. Sweet and Taylor M. Kessner
Guiding Public Engagement With Science Through a Branching Narrative of Qualitative Perspectives
Mathew D. Evans
Whiteness and the Natural Order: Shame, Race and Public Intellectualism According to Jordan Peterson
Lauren Mark and Timothy C. Wells
Is That a Ladybird on the Leaf? Public Intellectualism and Resistance With Very Young Children
Marek Tesar
Intellectual Undesirables: An Autoethnographic Reflection on Intellectual Contributions of the Neurologically Othered
Joshua Cruz
Intellectual Gatekeepers: Reclaiming Black Queer Youth as the Public
Boni Wozolek
The (Un)Common Intellectual: Possibilities for New Relational Bonds
David Lee Carlson
Soil Storying of Public Intellectualism: Ideas Mattering Through Care and Collectivity
Nicole Bowers and Adam T. Clark
Enacting Anzalduan Spiritual Activism: Intersecting Personal and Collective Shadows in Public Intellectualism
Kakali Bhattacharya and Mildred Boveda
Note: Table of Contents subject to change up until book is published.
Timothy C. Wells
Timothy C. Wells (M.A., Arizona State University) is a doctoral student in the Learning, Literacy, and Technology program at Arizona State University. His work resides in the fields of educational foundations and qualitative inquiry, bringing a critical interdisciplinary framework to the study of social and affective experience in schooling. Currently, his research considers the historical production of the acting out student and the social and political functions of qualitative inquiry. He has published in Teachers College Press,Qualitative Inquiry, and Discourse: A Journal of Culture and Education.
David Lee Carlson
David Lee Carlson is an associate professor in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. He writes in the areas of Qualitative Inquiry, Queer Theory, and Curriculum Studies. His most recent articles appear in Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, International Journal of Research in Qualitative Inquiry, and Qualitative Inquiry.
Mirka Koro
Mirka Koro (Ph.D., University of Helsinki) is a Professor of qualitative research at the Arizona State University. Her scholarship operates in the intersection of methodology, philosophy, and socio-cultural critique and her work aims to contribute to methodological knowledge, experimentation, and theoretical development across various traditions associated with qualitative research. She has published in various qualitative and educational journals and she is the author of Reconceptualizing Qualitative Research: Methodologies without Methodology (2016) and co-editor of Disrupting Data in Qualitative Inquiry: Entanglements with the Post-Critical and Post-Anthropocentric (2017).