Publishers of the annual Baseball Prospectus and related books
Baseball Prospectus Futures Guide 2024 Edition 11
- Publisher
Baseball Prospectus - Published
12th March - ISBN 9781960115041
- Language English
- Pages 320 pp.
- Size 8.5" x 11"
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- Publisher
Baseball Prospectus - ISBN 9781960115058
- Language English
- Pages 320 pp.
- Size 8.5" x 11"
Futures Guide 2024 features:
- Detailed scouting reports on the top 10 prospects for every major-league team.
- Condensed scouting reports on many additional key prospects for each team.
- Top talents 25 years old and younger for each team.
- Top 101 real-life and fantasy prospects.
- Additional essays, including 2024 Dynasty draft rankings and more.
Baseball Prospectus
Baseball Prospectus is an organization that aims to democratize the knowledge often confined to major-league front offices through insightful analysis of every aspect of the game of baseball. As an editorial hub, BP's team of writers covers topics ranging from contemporary analyses of the game to historical assessments using modern understanding and statistics. These efforts are augmented by a prospect team comprised of evaluators who deliver reports and rankings based on in-person looks at minor league players and a fantasy team comprised of writers who regularly compete in and win major industry leagues each season. BP's industry-leading stats team launches proprietary statistics, updates and manages the PECOTA projection system, supports editorial needs, and even provides data consulting and management for many pro organizations. It's no surprise that Baseball Prospectus has served as a training ground for dozens of team employees, including several key decision makers in baseball operations. As a whole, Baseball Prospectus provides insight into the game for the common fan that is typically relegated to the top levels of the front office.