Solid State Physics
From the Material Properties of Solids to Nanotechnologies
- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
23rd August 2016 - ISBN 9781942270775
- Language English
- Pages 628 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Request Exam Copy
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
23rd August 2016 - ISBN 9781683923183
- Language English
- Pages 628 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
26th July 2016 - ISBN 9781944534431
- Language English
- Pages 628 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Request E-Exam Copy
Solid State Physics provides a broad introduction to some of the principal areas of the physical phenomena in solid materials and is aimed broadly at undergraduate students of physics and engineering related subjects. The physical properties of materials are intimately related to the crystalline symmetry of atoms as well as the atomic species present. This includes the electronic, mechanical, magnetic and optical properties of all materials. These subjects are treated in depth and provide the reader with the tools necessary for an understanding of the varied phenomena of materials. Particular emphasis is given to the reaction of materials to specific stimuli, such as the application of electric and magnetic fields. Nanotechnologies are based on the formation of nano-sized elements and structures. The final chapter of the book provides a broad introduction to the topic and uses some of the main tools of solid state physics to explain the behavior of nanomaterials and why they are of importance for future technologies.
• Provides a broad introduction to the principal areas of the physical phenomena in solid materials
• Includes the electronic, mechanical, magnetic and optical properties of all materials
• Explains the behavior of nanomaterials and why they are of importance for future technologies
1: Introduction to Solid State Physics
2: Crystallinity in Solids
3: Crystal Structure Determination
4: Imperfections in Crystalline Order
5: Lattice Vibrations
6: Free Electrons in Metals
7: Band Theories of Solids
8: Electron Dynamics and Transport Phenomena
9: Semiconductors
10: Magnetic Materials and Phenomena
11: Superconductivity
12: Dielectric Materials
13: Nanotechnologies and Nanophysics
David Schmool
David Schmool completed his doctoral studies at the University of York. He has held research posts in several universities in the UK, Italy, Spain, and France.