Response Frequencies from the 2017 National Survey on The First-Year Experience
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- Publisher
National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition - Published
25th July 2019 - ISBN 9781942072423
- Language English
- Pages 76 pp.
- Size 8.5" x 11"
2017 National Survey on the First-Year Experience was designed to explore the
structure and administration of a broad range of initiatives designed to support
success in the first college year. Specific sections of the survey examine
overall institutional attention to the first year, as well as common first-year
programs including first-year seminars, academic advising, orientation,
common-reading initiatives, early-alert programs, learning communities, and
residential programs.
Response Frequencies from the 2017 National Survey on The First-Year Experience is a fixed-layout eBook which contains comprehensive data tables including responses to all survey items disaggregated by institutional type, control, and first-year cohort size.
Buy the eBook separately or as a package with the print version of the Research Report on College Transitions No. 9, 2017 National Survey on the First-Year Experience:
Creating and Coordinating Structures to Support Student Success.
National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition
National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition (NRCFYE) at the University of South Carolina is the founder and leader of the first-year experience movement. NRCFYE serves education professionals by supporting and advancing efforts to improve student learning and transitions into and through higher education. NRCFYE publishes scholarly practice books, research monographs, and guides on a wide range of topics related to student learning, development, and success.