- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
15th December 2012 - ISBN 9781937585907
- Language English
- Pages 60 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
24th November 2012 - ISBN 9781937585921
- Language English
- Pages 60 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
24th November 2012 - ISBN 9781937585938
- Language English
- Pages 60 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
Heart disease, regardless of age and gender, is the leading cause of death and a major health concern throughout the world. Using a question and answer format, practical examples, and numerous illustrations, this book explains the workings of the heart and related issues. It first offers easy to understand definitions of the causes, symptoms, and treatments for heart diseases and then suggestions, diets, etc. for maintaining a healthy heart. The book includes numerous in-text Web links to the American Heart Association, National Institutes of Health, USDA, Centers for Disease Control, and others with important information and health tips. Companion files (with 100MB of videos, resources,
recipes, fact sheets, and illustrations) are available for downloading by
writing to the publisher at info@merclearning.com with proof of purchase.
- Provides questions and answers about the medical definitions and descriptions of heart disease and keeping your heart healthy. General topics include the causes of heart disease, details of symptoms, and available treatments /diets /preventative measures (see selected topics below)
- Includes numerous in-text Web links to the American Heart Association (AHA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), USDA, Centers for Disease Control(CDC), pharmaceutical companies, YouTube, and other sites with animations, diets, practical case studies, and tools related to your heart health
- Uses videos, animations, practical tips, case studies, charts and tables, figures, and photos to explain topics under discussion
- Companion files (with 100MB of videos, resources, recipes, fact sheets, and illustrations) are available for downloading by writing to the publisher at info@merclearning.com with proof of purchase.