Algebra Essentials
- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
21st March 2016 - ISBN 9781937585228
- Language English
- Pages 180 pp.
- Size 8" x 10"
- Images Four Color Throughout
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
9th March 2016 - ISBN 9781937585334
- Language English
- Pages 180 pp.
- Size 8" x 10"
- Images Four Color Throughout
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
9th March 2016 - ISBN 9781937585341
- Language English
- Pages 180 pp.
- Size 8" x 10"
- Images Four Color Throughout
Designed for the person who needs to learn algebra as a prerequisite for further study or for a refresher course before moving on, the book covers all of the basic algebra concepts such as variables, equations, quadratic equations, factoring algebraic expressions, exponents, roots, radicals, and more. It includes numerous step by step examples and practice exercises that help the reader to understand the topics in a “self-study” format, designed for those who are uncomfortable with mathematics. The companion disc includes self-correcting exercises and all the figures from the text. Instructor resources available for use in course adoptions.
eBook Customers: Companion files are available for downloading with order number/proof of purchase by writing to the publisher at
•Presents basic concepts in an easy to understand style, designed for those who are uncomfortable with mathematics
•Provides hundreds of step by step examples and practice exercises that help the reader to understand the topics in a “self-study” format
•Includes a companion disc with self-correcting exercises and all the figures from the text
Part I. First Impressions. Why Study Algebra? Part II. Arithmetic Review. Arithmetic Operations. Part III. Algebraic Operations. Addition and Subtraction. Multiplication. Division. Part IV. Equations. Linear Equations in One Variable Expressions. Quadratic Equations in One Variable. Expressions. Part V. Inequalities. Linear Inequalities. Appendices. Review Exercises. Answers Keys. Theorems, Corollaries, & Proofs. Key Words. Index.
Simplicity overshadows every aspect of this math self-help publication. Students who need to brush up on their algebra skills can explore pages of math problems and corresponding answer sets. . .The book and CD-ROM are pleasantly priced, and will be most ideal for community college students.
- Choice
--K. L. Swetland, University of South Carolina Upstate
Summing Up: Recommended. Lower-division undergraduates and general readers.
David A. Santos
David A. Santos (late) held a PhD from the University of Michigan and was an instructor at the Community College of Philadelphia.
Olgha Davis
Olgha Davis has served as an adjunct instructor at Wake Technical Community College (NC). She holds degrees in biomedical engineering from Boston University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.