AutoCAD® 2012 3D Modeling
- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
30th October 2011 - ISBN 9781936420216
- Language English
- Pages 400 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
31st October 2012 - ISBN 9781936420483
- Language English
- Pages 400 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
This book provides new and seasoned users with step-by-step procedures on creating and modifying 3D models, working with cameras and lights, assigning materials to objects, rendering, and printing. Unlike many AutoCAD competitors, it uses “mixed units”- inches, meters, feet, kilometers, etc., to illustrate the myriad tools for this popular application. Use the companion DVD to set up drawing exercises and projects, see all of the book’s figures in color, and draw with a trial version of AutoCAD 2012. AutoCAD 2012 3D Modeling includes 50 “mini-workshops,” that complete small projects from concept through actual plotting. Solving all of the workshops will simulate the creation of four full projects (architectural and mechanical) from beginning to end, without overlooking any of the basic commands and functions in AutoCAD 2012.
eBook Customers: Companion files are available for downloading with order number/proof of purchase by writing to the publisher at
1) AutoCAD 2012 3D Basics
2) About Solids
3) About Meshes
4) About Surfaces
5) 3D Modifying Commands
6) Converting, Sectioning, and 3D Objects Printing
7) Cameras, Lights, Materials, and Rendering
8) Visual Styles, Animation, and 3D DWF
Munir Hamad
Munir Hamad is an Autodesk® Approved Instructor and certified Autodesk AutoCAD Master, who has authored several AutoCAD titles and taught various levels of AutoCAD training.