Agri-food Chain Relationships

September 2010
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    9th September 2010
  • ISBN 9781845936426
  • Language English
  • Pages 290 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"
  • Images figures & tables

The integration into global and local agri-food value chains requires farmers, food processors and grocery retailers to develop and maintain close and sustainable business relationships with buyers and suppliers. While agricultural value chains have been promoted for decades, more attention is needed on how to enable economic agents to develop trust and lasting relationships within value chains. Using qualitative and quantitative empirical results, Agri-food Chain Relationships provides an overview of existing relationship economics and management, offering an insight into the sustainability of current agribusiness relationships and discussing how these may be improved.

PART 1: Agri-food Chain Relationships - Context and Theoretical Foundations
1. Building Sustainable Relationships in Agri-food Chains: Challenges from Farm to Retail
2. Collaborative Advantage, Relational Risks, Contracts and Relationship Sustainability: a Literature Review
3. Inter-organisational Relationships in Agri-food Systems: an Integrated Transaction Cost-Network Analysis Framework
4. Behavioural Economics and the Theory of Social Structure: Relevance for Understanding Relationship Sustainability

PART 2: Empirical Evidence on Relationship Types, Relationship Sustainability, Trust and Use of Contracts
1. Trust and Relationship Types in Agri-food Chain Relationships in Selected European countries
2. The Determinants of Relationship Type Choice and Relationship Sustainability: a European Cross-country Analysis
3. Enhancing the Integration of Agri-food Supply Chains: Challenges in the UK Malting Barley Supply Chain
4. From Transactions to Relationships: the Case of the Irish Beef and Pigmeat Supply Chains
5. Inter-enterprise Relationships as Determinants for Competitiveness in the Agri-food Sector: the Spanish Wheat-to-Bread Chain
6. Reviewing Relationship Sustainability in the Case of the German Wheat-to-Bread Chain
7. Vertical Relationships in the US Agri-food System: the Role of Agricultural Cooperatives
8. Guanxi and Contracts in Chinese Vegetable Supply Chains: an Empirical Investigation
9. A Review of the Trust Situation in Agribusiness Chain Relationships in the Asia-Pacific with focus on the Philippines and Australia
10. How Buyer-Supplier Relationships Can Create Value - the Case of the Australian Wine Industry

PART 3: Implications and Recommendations
11. Best Practice in Relationship Management: Recommendations for Farmers, Processors and Retailers
12. Improving Agri-food Chain Relationships: the Role of Government
13. Lessons Learned: Recommendations for Future Research on Agri-food Chain Relationships

Christian Fischer

Christian Fischer

Monika Hartmann

Monika Hartmann