Small-Scale Fisheries Management

Frameworks and Approaches for the Developing World

Edited by Robert Pomeroy and Neil Andrew
March 2011
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    15th March 2011
  • ISBN 9781845936075
  • Language English
  • Pages 260 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"
  • Images 20 illus

Small-scale fisheries make up a large proportion of world's fisheries, both by catch and participation. Effective management is essential to ensure access to fish for food and income. Covering social and economic aspects of the fishery management and governance challenge, this book provides guidance on innovative and alternative management measures and methods for small-scale fisheries. The book covers key topics such as rights, policy, co-management, communications and trade, and is an important reference for researchers and students in fisheries science and management as well as fisheries research organizations and policymakers.

1. Underreported and Undervalued: Small-scale Fisheries in the Developing World
2. Approaches and Frameworks for Management and Research in Small-scale Fisheries
3. Diagnosis and the Management Constituency of Small-scale Fisheries
4. Human Rights and Fishery Rights in Small-scale Fisheries Management
5. Managing Overcapacity in Small-scale Fisheries
6. Adaptive Management in Small-scale Fisheries: A Practical Approach .
7. Conditions for Successful Co-management: Lessons Learned in Asia, Africa, the Pacific and the wider Caribbean
8. Climate Change and Other External Drivers in Small-scale Fisheries: Practical Steps for Responding
9. Developing Markets for Small-scale Fisheries: Utilizing the Value Chain Approach
10. Communication
11. Small-scale Fisheries Compliance: Integrating Social Justice, Legitimacy and Deterrence
12. Poverty Reduction as a Means to Enhance Resilience of Small-scale Fisheries

Robert Pomeroy

Robert Pomeroy is a Senior Associate, Coastal and Marine Projects, in the Biological Resources Program of the World Resources Institute in Washington, DC. He also teaches at University of Connecticut-Avery Point.

Neil Andrew

Neil Andrew is at the WorldFish Center, Malaysia.