Planted Forests

Uses, Impacts and Sustainability

Edited by Julian Evans
March 2010
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  • Publisher
  • Published
    2nd March 2010
  • ISBN 9781845935641
  • Language English
  • Pages 224 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"
  • Images 36 illus

Planted forests, although only 7% of the world's forest resources, have superseded naturally regenerating forests as the principal source of industrial wood products. Lessening the pressure for wood production, tree planting has released natural forests to be managed for other purposes - carbon sinks, soil and water protection, conservation of biological diversity, recreation and amenity. Representing a complement, but not an alternative, to natural forests, planted forests have become increasingly important for reducing worldwide deforestation, loss of forest ecosystems and forest degradation.

Examining the significance of this rapidly emerging world resource, chapters consider the strengths and weaknesses of planted forests, management objectives for their use and aspects of ownership and policy. Data from key production countries are used to evaluate the implications and sustainability of planted forests as a source of forest products as well as social and ecological issues.

1. History of tree planting and planted forests, 2. The question of definitions, 3. The global thematic study of planted forests, 4. Wood from planted forests - global outlook to 2050, 5. The multiple roles of planted forest, 6. Policy, institutional and ownership issues, 7. Sustainable silviculture and management, 8. Summary and conclusions

Julian Evans

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