Event Management and Sustainability

March 2010
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    2nd March 2010
  • ISBN 9781845935245
  • Language English
  • Pages 288 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"
  • Images 51 illus

Sustainable management is an important consideration for businesses and organizations; the enormous number of tourism events taking place requiring facilities, power, transport, people and much more makes sustainable event planning a considerable priority. By looking at mega events, sports events, conferences and festivals, this book uses best practice case studies to illustrate sustainable management issues and practical considerations that managers need to apply, providing an essential reference for researchers and students in leisure and tourism.

Part A: Concepts of Sustainability within the Events Sector, 1. Introduction to Sustainable Events Management, 2. Policy, Politics and Sustainable Events, 3. Sustainability as a Concept within Events, 4. Events and Sustainable Urban Regeneration, 5. Indicators and Tools for Sustainable Event Management,

Part B: Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts of Events, 6. The Economics of Sustainability, 7. Environmental Impacts of Events, 8. Social Impact of Events, 9. Critical Success Factors in Sustainable Events, 10. Consumer Marketing within Sustainable Events, 12. Assessing and Monitoring the Performances of a Sustainable Event, 13.The Sustainable Supply Chain in International Conventions

Part D: Management Models and Feasibility of Sustainable Events, 14. Planning Models for Creating Sustainable Events, 15. Sustainable Planning for Community Venues, 16. The Dynamics of Supply Chain and Consumption

Part E: Sustainable Events - Case Studies, 17. Stakeholders, Social Networks and Cultural Events: The Rural Region of Italy, 18. Local Markets and Sustainable Developments, 19. Live Earth Managing the Greening Process, 20. Sustainable Demand Management in Croatian National Park 'Plitvice Lakes, 21. Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival: Impacts on Local Community, 22. Managing Sustainable Events: Using Kenya as a Case Study, 23. Diachronic Comparison and its Impact on Shanghai Expo, 24. Financial Feasibility of Sustainable Events

Razaq Raj, PhD

Dr. Razaq Raj is Principal Lecturer in the Leeds Business School. His research interests include community events, outdoor events, economic impacts, religious tourism, cultural festivals and sustainable tourism, cultural diversity in events management and international tourism. Dr. Raj is the author of the textbooks Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Management: An International Perspective, Event Management: An integrated and practical approach and Event Management and Sustainability. He is also a board member of international journals and academic associations. Editor of International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage; International Journal of Islands Research; and International Journal of Islamic Tourism. Series Editor, CABI Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Book Series.

James Musgrave

James Musgrave is the Head of UK Centre for Events Management at Leeds Beckett University. He has extensive experience in education and training across a number of sectors such as Events, Hospitality, International Manufacturing and Local Council. His areas of interest are in corporate social responsibility, change behavior, strategy and consumer insights. James has provided training and education across the world including in the USA, China, and India, and continues to be invited to talk on areas related to Sustainable Events Management.