Climate Change in Developing Countries
- Publisher
CABI - Published
18th September 2006 - ISBN 9781845930776
- Language English
- Pages 272 pp.
- Size 6.875" x 9.75"
This book presents an overview of the studies conducted by the Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistance program. The program was set up in recognition of the need for developing countries, in particular, to face the challenges confronting all countries under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The book presents an overview of the main results in 13 countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Mali, Mongolia, Senegal, Suriname, Vietnam, Yemen and Zimbabwe. It provides a critical evaluation of the methodologies and approaches used, a cross-country synthesis and recommendations for further studies. Subjects dealt with include not only impact studies, but also vulnerability and adaptation, mitigation and climate related policy.