The Competitive Destination

A Sustainable Tourism Perspective

May 2005
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    20th May 2005
  • ISBN 9781845930103
  • Language English
  • Pages 304 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"

This book provides a framework for understanding the complex and multifaceted nature of the factors that affect destination competitiveness. It offers guidance on how to create successful destinations by developing and presenting a conceptual model of destination competitiveness that recognizes the importance of sustainability for long-term success. The book presents a strong theoretical background for managerial decision-making, giving destination managers a range of tools with which to analyse and increase the competitiveness of their areas.

Supply Development Strategies
Demand Development (Marketing) Strategies
Organizational and Development Policy
Destination Management: The Key to Maintaining a Sustainable Competitive Advantage
* The Process of Destination Management
* Marketing (Promotion?)
* Identification of Strategic Markets for the Destination
* Measuring Destination Awareness and Image
* The Monitoring of Destination Awareness and Image
* Assessing Destination Brand Effectiveness
* Developing Logos, Themes, and Advertising Support
* Managing the Quality of Visitor Service and the Visitor Experience
* Management Implications of Adapting a Quality of Experience Framework
* Managing Information/Research (I/R)
* Managing Inward I/R Flows
* Managing Outward I/R Flows
* Human Resource Development
* Visitor Services and Visitor Management
* Services and the Experience Economy
* Systems for Visitor Management
* Stewardship - Taking Care of the Tourism Resource Base
* Mechanisms to Deal with Crises
* Organizational Systems
* Destination Stakeholders
* Crisis Management Scenarios
Qualifying and Amplifying Determinants: Parameters Which Define Destination Potential
* Destination Location: Blessing or Curse?
* Destination Safety: Security of Threat?
* Destination Cost Levels: Reality or Perception?
* Destination Interdependencies: Synergy or Substitute?
* Destination Image: Perceptions of People and Place
* Carrying Capacity: Hard and Soft Constraints to Growth
The Destination Audit: Putting the Model to Work
* The Philosophy of the Audit Concept
* The Nature of a Destination Audit
* Preparing for a Destination Audit
* Implementing the Audit
* Destination Diagnostics

J R Brent  Ritchie

No information

G. I.  Crouch

G. I.  Crouch is at La Trobe University, Australia.