Foundations of Physics Edition 2
- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
14th April 2023 - ISBN 9781683929703
- Language English
- Pages 776 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
30th March 2023 - ISBN 9781683929680
- Language English
- Pages 776 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
30th March 2023 - ISBN 9781683929697
- Language English
- Pages 776 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
This updated edition is designed as a self-teaching, calculus-based introduction to the concepts of physics. Numerous examples, applications, and figures provide readers with simple explanations. Standard topics include vectors, conservation of energy, Newton’s Laws, momentum, motion, gravity, relativity, waves, fluid mechanics, circuits, nuclear physics, astrophysics, and more.
- Designed as a calculus-based, introduction to the key concepts of physics
- Practical techniques, including the collection, presentation, analysis and evaluation of data, are discussed in the context of key experiments linked to the theoretical spine of the work
1. The Language of Physics
2. Representing and Analyzing Data
3. Capturing, Displaying, and Analyzing Motion
4. Forces and Equilibrium
5. Newtonian Mechanics
6. Fluids
7. Mechanical Properties
8. Thermal Physics
9. Gases
10. Statistical Thermodynamics and the Second Law
11. Oscillations
12. Rotational Dynamics
13. Waves
14. Light
15. Superposition Effects
16. Sound
17. Electric Charge and Electric Fields
18. D.C. Electric Circuits
19. Capacitance
20. Magnetic Fields
21. Electromagnetic Induction
22. Alternating Current
23. Gravitational Field
24. Special Relativity
25. Atomic Structure and Radioactivity
26. Nuclear Physics
27. Quantum Theory
28. Astrophysics
29. Medical Physics
A. Estimations and Fermi Questions
B. Experimental Investigations
C. Units, Constants, and Equations
D. Solutions to Exercises
Steve Adams
Steve Adams, PhD, is a physics instructor, teacher trainer, and consultant for the Cambridge International Examinations.