Database Security
Problems and Solutions
- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
4th October 2022 - ISBN 9781683926634
- Language English
- Pages 350 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
28th July 2022 - ISBN 9781683926610
- Language English
- Pages 350 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
28th July 2022 - ISBN 9781683926627
- Language English
- Pages 350 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
Database Security: Problems and Solutions describes and demonstrates how to resolve database security issues at the design, implementation, and production phases. Database security considers and implements those measures or controls in more specific ways than are generally realized in the broader realm of information security. Database security also involves other confidentiality approaches, such as techniques for account credential management, techniques to manage access to data, as well as techniques to manage the types of access. Database security also considers other, less realized, approaches such as database normalization, referential integrity, transactions, locks, and check constraints. Designed for professionals, workshop settings, and self-learners, the book demonstrates several databases so the reader can follow along in a hands-on approach. Each chapter also has a set of questions and follow up projects to reinforce comprehension of the material.
FEATURES:- Includes demonstration and solution implementations on the major Database Management Systems (MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server) and computing platforms (Linux/UNIX, MacOS, Windows) to be applicable for nearly every student and professional
- End of chapter exercises to enhance comprehension of topics
1: Introduction to Information Security, Data Security, and Database Security
2: Database Design
3: Database Management and Administration
4: Database User Accounts
Database Privileges
6: Roles
7: Database Security Controls for Confidentiality
8: Transactions for Data Integrity
9: Data Integrity with Concurrent Access
Appendix (Exercises)
Christopher Diaz
Christopher Diaz holds a PhD in computer science and is currently an associate professor and curriculum design specialist at Seton Hill University (PA). He has extensive industry experience as a systems engineer and has published books and articles in various areas of computer science.