Radar Systems and Radio Aids to Navigation
- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
27th November 2018 - ISBN 9781683921189
- Language English
- Pages 790 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
26th October 2018 - ISBN 9781683921196
- Language English
- Pages 790 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
26th October 2018 - ISBN 9781683923091
- Language English
- Pages 790 pp.
- Size 7" x 9"
This comprehensive reference explains the many processes needed for creating radar systems and navigation aids. Selected topics include antennas, radar targets, Doppler radar, atmospheric probing, mathematical preliminaries, hyperbolic navigation, aircraft homing systems, navigation measuring techniques, satellite navigation, and more.
*Explains the many processes needed for creating radar systems and navigation aids
*Topics include antennas, radar targets, Doppler radar, atmospheric probing, and more
1: Navigation.
2: Antennas for Radio Navigational Aids.
3: Principles of Radar.
4: Radar Targets.
5: Radar Transmitters and Receivers.
6: Propagation of Radar Waves.
7: Radar Clutter.
8: MTI Radar.
9: Modern Radars.
10: Navigational and Remote Sensing Radars.
10A: Atmospheric Radars.
11: Radars for Atmospheric Probing.
11A: Radar Measurement of Rain Intensity, Drop Size, and the Related Attenuation of Radio Waves.
12: Direction Finding.
13: Aircraft Homing System and Instrument Landing System.
14: Hyperbolic Navigation.
15: Satellite Navigation.
16: Vessel Traffic Management System.
17: Navigation and Modern Measuring Techniques.
18: Millimeter Wave Radars and Radiometers.
19: Doppler Radar Development and Remote Sensing Research.
20: Mathematical Preliminaries Related to Radar Systems and Associated Problems.