- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
19th June - ISBN 9781501522796
- Language English
- Pages 136 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
19th June - ISBN 9781501519765
- Language English
- Pages 136 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
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- Publisher
Mercury Learning and Information - Published
19th June - ISBN 9781501519789
- Language English
- Pages 136 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
In today's dynamic marketing landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront of innovation, offering unprecedented opportunities for marketers. This book enables marketing professionals to harness the power of AI, featuring in-depth discussions on key topics such as generative AI, personalized customer experiences, team and workflow augmentation, and data analysis optimization. It is divided into four parts, each addressing a different aspect of AI and marketing. Part I covers the fundamentals of AI in marketing, including machine learning and generative AI. Part II explores growth areas for marketing and AI, using generative AI and customer journey personalization. Part III goes into detail about how to use AI, particularly generative AI tools, to enhance the marketing function. Part IV is about integration and optimization, providing insights on when and where to invest in AI and how to prepare your team for an AI-driven marketing future.
- Covers AI-based platforms for text, image, and video generation, revolutionizing content creation
- Shows how AI can enhance customer interactions through personalized content and conversational AI
- Explores AI-automated workflows, improved reporting, and streamlined marketing processes
- Features AI analytics to optimize audience segmentation, predictive analytics, and marketing strategies
- Addresses the ethical implications of AI in marketing, ensuring responsible and transparent use
Part I: Exploring AI and Marketing
1: A Brief History of AI
2: Understanding AI and Marketing
3: The Current Use of AI in Marketing
Part II: Growth Areas for Marketing and AI
4: Generative AI
5: Personalized Customer Experience
6: Team and Workflow Augmentation
7: Data Analysis, Measurement, and Optimization
Part III: Practical Examples
8: Improving Prompt Writing
9: Generative AI Cases and Examples
Part IV: Integration and Optimization of AI and Marketing
10: The AI Adoption Mindset
11: How AI Changes Your Marketing Approach
12: When and Where to Invest in AI
13: Challenges of AI
Greg Kihlström
Greg Kihlström is a best-selling author, speaker, and entrepreneur, and serves as a consultant to top companies on marketing technology, marketing operations, customer experience, and digital transformation initiatives.