Michael L. Boucher


Michael L. Boucher, Jr., Ph.D., is an associate professor of curriculum and instruction at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, where he teaches instructional and research methods. Dr. Boucher received his Ph.D. from Indiana University after his work as a Minneapolis Public Schools high school social studies teacher and teacher-leader. Using photo methods in ethnography and case studies, his core research investigates the pedagogy and practice of White teachers working in solidarity with students of color in segregated education systems. His publications include work in ethnographic research methods, White teacher identity, and the role of racialized public curriculum in historic public spaces. His books include Participant Empowerment Through Photo Elicitation in Ethnographic Education Research: New Research and Approaches and More than an Ally: A Caring Solidarity Framework for White Teachers of African American Students.

Author's Books

Edited by Michael L. Boucher

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