Jori N. Hall
Jori N. Hall is a Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is an award-winning author and multidisciplinary researcher. Dr. Hall’s research is concerned with social inequalities and the overall rigor of social science research. Her work addresses issues of research methodology, cultural responsiveness, and the role of values and privilege within the fields of evaluation, education, and health. Dr. Hall has published numerous peer-reviewed works in scholarly venues and was selected as a Leaders of Equitable Evaluation and Diversity (LEEAD) fellow by The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Dr. Hall is the 2020 recipient of the American Evaluation Association’s Multiethnic Issues in Evaluation Topical Interest Group Scholarly Leader Award for scholarship that has contributed to culturally responsive evaluation.
Author's Books
Focus Groups
Culturally Responsive Approaches for Qualitative Inquiry and Program Evaluation
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