Steven P. Jones
Steven P. Jones is a professor in the College of Education at Missouri State University and Executive Director of the Academy for Educational Studies. He is author of Blame Teachers: The Emotional Reasons for Educational Reform—a book that investigates how and why so many people try to justify educational change by deriding the efforts and effectiveness of our public school teachers. A former high school English teacher in Jefferson County, Colorado, Jones received his B.A. in English from the University of Denver, his MA in Educational Administration from the University of Colorado (Boulder), and his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Chicago.
Author's Books
Why Kids Love (and Hate) School
Reflections on Practice
Volume 2 — Reflections on PracticeE-books are now distributed via RedShelf or VitalSource
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Why Kids Love (and Hate) School
Reflections on Difference
Volume 1 — Reflections on DifferenceE-books are now distributed via RedShelf or VitalSource
You will choose the vendor in the cart as part of the check out process. These vendors offer a more seamless way to access the ebook, and add some great new features including text-to-voice. You own your ebook for life, it is simply hosted on the vendors website, working much like Kindle and Nook. Click here to see more detailed information on this process.