Chelda Smith Kondo


Chelda Smith Kondo, Ph.D., (she/her/hers) identifies as a cisgender, able-bodied, Americanized Haitian womxn. Chelda is an Associate Professor specializing in Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. Prior to joining UST, she served as an Associate Professor of Critical Multicultural Education at Georgia Southern University, where she was also director of the Elementary Education Master of Arts in Teaching, a social justice education and initial licensure program that she co-founded. Her scholarly articles have been published in leading education and interdisciplinary journals (i.e., Teachers College Record, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Equity & Excellence in Education). Her scholarship has been honored for excellence in three different subfields: intersectional justice in education, qualitative research, and culturally relevant pedagogy. Chelda currently sits on the governing board of InterAction Inc, a non-profit committed to activating and advancing Young People of Color (YPOC) and their counter-narratives to build a more just, inclusive, and equitable society.

Author's Books

Educational Psychology: Meaning Making for Teachers and Learners Series

Pedagogy of Humanization

Preparing Teachers for Culturally Sustaining Classrooms


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