Sarah Lambton
Dr Sarah Lambton is a Research Fellow at the University of Bristol. Her research is focussed on animal health and welfare, in particular that of laying hens. She completed her Ph.D .at the University of Bristol in 2008, investigating the risk factors for the development of injurious pecking in loose-housed laying hens. She has subsequently worked on several projects in the same field, investigating the management strategies which may be employed to reduce the risk of injurious pecking in laying hens. Recently she completed a project investigating the effect of cage furnishings on the laying behavior of hens in enriched cages. She has also a research interest in the behavior and welfare of sheep, having been involved with research investigating welfare during time spent in markets and travel to the slaughterhouse. Currently she leads a project investigating the effects of early life experience in lambs on behavior and welfare during later life. Sarah also worked for two years as a scientific epidemiologist at the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency, now APHA, and continues to build on this area of expertise in her work at the University of Bristol.