Craig A. Shoemaker


Dr. Craig Shoemaker is a research molecular biologist at the United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service, Aquatic Animal Health Research Unit in Auburn, Alabama. He holds a BS and MS in Biology (University of North Dakota) and a PhD degree in Fish Health (Auburn University) and is nationally and internationally recognized for microbiological expertise in farm-raised catfish and tilapia. In his 28-year career as a research scientist, he has published over 165 peer reviewed journal articles (including 10 patents). Recently, pioneering studies by his domestic and international collaborators on selection for increased disease resistance to the top three bacterial pathogens (Streptococcus iniae, S. agalactiae and Francisella orientalis) of Nile tilapia were recognized with the 2023 Federal Laboratory Consortium Impact Award in the United States.

Author's Books

European Association of Fish Pathologists Series


Aquaculture, Biology and Health Management
